Pricing and Services
Short Consultation - 45 min
Ideal for follow-up appointments or one area of concern.
Standard Consultation - 60 min
Ideal for initial appointments and standard comprehensive treatment.
Extended Consultation - 90 min
Ideal for multiple areas of concern or conditions that require extensive treatment.
Treatment Methods
Dry needling
This involves inserting a very fine sterile needle into muscles that have taut, irritable nodules known as trigger points. This is effective for reducing pain and muscular spasm, and restoring healthy function of muscles.
Myofascial cupping
This decompression technique uses cups on the skin to create suction. This lifts the underlying tissue, drawing blood and nutrients to the area, which then stimulates a healing response. The cups may be moved in a gliding motion or left in specific areas.
Joint mobilisations
Manual application of a graded force to joints in order to reduce pain and restore normal joint motion. May be a passive treatment, or made active by having the patient move into the restricted direction.
Clinical taping
Involves applying specific types of tapes to the skin to provide joint stabilisation, assist athletic performance, enhance sensory input and body awareness.